Highlights of Past Events

10:35 PM

Hi! We're back again after a long hiatus. We are pretty sorry for the long inactivity. The last time we uploaded an article was in 2015, updating our collaboration in English Department's English Days' theatrical performance, Romeo and Juliet: Not a Love Story. During four years of our inactivity uploading articles on this blog, new members came and a lot of events which involved us happened. So, here's the list of our latest performance!

Parade Gamelan

Parade Gamelan is a yearly gamelan concert held on December 31st to celebrate the new year. We have been participating since the first Parade Gamelan until the latest Parade Gamelan, 'Parade Gamelan 9'. In Parade Gamelan 6 (2016), Prasasti 6 as our new family members at that time played Rahayu Indonesiaku and Prasasti 5 and above played Aransemen Gundul-Gundul Pacul. In Parade Gamelan 7 (2017), Prasasti 7 and 8 as our new family members played Rerasan, while Prasati 6 and above played I. In Parade Gamelan 8 (2018), we didn't only participate as performer. Some of our family members participated as committee members. Previously, we didn't participate as committee in Parade Gamelan 6 and 7 as the event was organized by UKJGS UGM. Prasasti 9, with the help of Prasasti 7-8, performed Aransemen Gundul-Gundul Pacul and Prasasti 7-8 and above performed Campuh, a composition that illustrates the difference between similarities and vice versa. We participated again as performer and committee in Parade Gamelan 9 (2019). Prasasti 10, with the help of Prasasti 9, played Aransemen Praon and Prasasti 9 and above played Ngapusi, Mas Nanang's newest composition. The composition illustrates lies that human had done at least once in their lives.

24 Jam Menabuh

24 Jam Menabuh is a yearly event held by Karawitan students of ISI Yogyakarta. On September 2017, we performed Hyang, Kasetyan, and Rahayu Indonesiaku at Pendapa Panjangmas ISI Yogyakarta. Hyang, Kasetyan, and Rahayu Indonesiaku own different atmosphere. Kasetyan as Naliswati's sequel has merry tone. Rahayu Indonesiaku as a compositin about Indonesia's diversity offers earthy tone with a touch of sad tone in the middle of the song. On the contrary, Hyang offered majestic tone as the song illustrates about the majesty of God. On December 2018, we performed again. This time, we played Naliswati, I, and Campuh at Concert Hall ISI Yogyakarta.

Pakar Sekar Siswa

Pakar Sekar Siswa is a karawitan concert held in Faculty of Psychology UGM. The participants are staffs and lecturers' karawitan group, students' karawitan group (Psychorawitan UGM), and some other karawitan groups. We performed in Pakar Sekar Siswa I (2015), Pakar Sekar Siswa II (2016), and Pakar Sekar Siswa III (2017). In Pakar Sekar Siswa II, Prasasti 6 performed Asmaramurka, one of Mas Nanang's early compositions which adapted Ravana's perspective in Ramayana. In Pakar Sekar Siswa III (2017), Prasasti 7-8 performed Naliswati, Mas Nanang's composition that illustrated a man's love for a woman, yet they can't be together.

English Days

English Days is a yearly event held by English Department Universitas Gadjah Mada. For English Days 2015, you can read the detail at our article: Prasasti at Romeo and Juliet: Not a Love Story. We also participated in English Days 2016, 2017, and 2019. In English Days 2017, we collaborated with the actors, dancers, and band in Queen at Last, an adaptation of Lutung Kasarung, an Indonesian folktale. Before the show began, Prasasti performed Naliswati for their solo performance. The song is very dynamic: solemn in the beginning, getting more energetic as the song goes, then becomes gloomy and sad before it ended gracefully. When the collaboration started, Prasasti played illustration soundtracks composed by mas Nanang, Prasasti's coach, at some scenes.

In 2018, Prasasti decided not to be involved in Newsies: Carrying the True Banner for two main reasons. At that time, Mas Nanang was preparing for his wedding and we were focusing on our rehearsals for Dies Natalis Fakultas Farmasi, which was held two months before English Days theatrical performance in November. We collaborated with the actors, dancers, and band again in English Days 2019's theatre, Anastasia: The Lost Princess of Russia. Unlike the previous English Days, Prasasti played two compositions and a few illustration soundtracks. The compositions played were Gamelan oh Gamelan and Hyang. Gamelan oh Gamelan was played before the act started, while Hyang was played at a dedicated scene.

Dies Natalis Fakultas Farmasi UGM

On September 2018, Prasasti performed in Dies Natalis Fakultas Farmasi UGM, which is located at Faculty of Pharmacy, Universitas Gadjah Mada. There, Prasasti played Gembala Nada, Iringan Tari Gambyong Pareanom, and Ladrang Sumyar. In Iringan Tari Gambyong Pareanom, two Prasasti 7 members, Adelia Fatmawati and Punto Padmatantri performed as the dancers.

Malioboro Night Festival

In 2017, Prasasti UGM participated in Malioboro Night Festival. We performed three compositions: Lancaran Pasasti, Naliswati, and Kumalungkung. Lancaran Prasasti is Prasasti UGM's identity song, just like schools' marches or hymns. Although this song is the shortest among Mas Nanang's compositions dedicated to Prasasti (which ranges between 10-15 minutes in average) and in the form of lancaran, this song owns a fast tempo and sometimes the players have to sing while hitting notes on instruments they're playing. It makes this song isn't as easy as it looks. Kumalungkung is another composition that has duration under 10 minutes. The title is a Javanese word for vanity. As you might guess, this song illustrates vanity, which exists in human's heart. 

We performed again in Malioboro Night Festival on August 11, 2018. At that time, we performed four compositions: Lancaran Prasasti (again), Gembala Nada, Naliswati, and Asmaramurka. Prasasti played Lancaran Prasasti for the second time as it is our way of introducing ourselves to the audience.

Gamelan Plaosan

On August 14, 2018, Prasasti UGM performed in Gamelan Plaosan, a gamelan event in Dusun Plaosan. The team consisted of some a few Prasasti 7, some Prasasti 8, and members from older batches. We played Rahayu Indonesiaku. Rahayu Indonesiaku is one of Mas Nanang's compositions that involves pelog and slendro octaves. 

Festival Kebudayaan Yogyakarta

On August 1, 2018, Prasasti UGM got a chance to perform at Festival Kebudayaan Yogyakarta 30. We played Gamelan oh Gamelan, Kasetyan, and Rahayu Indonesiaku.

Wiki Nusantara

On April 27, 2019, Amy as a member of Prasasti 6 who is part of Wikimedia told Prasasti that we got a chance to perform in their gathering, Wiki Nusantara. She told us that the gathering was attended by people across Indonesia and neighboring countries. There, we got time to perform three songs and taught the participants a single song in jamming session. We perfomed Lancaran Prasasti, Gamelan oh Gamelan, and Asmaramurka. In jamming session, the participants who were intrigued to try gamelan came forward. Those who had played a specific instrument before the jamming session immediately filled specific instruments, while those who were not familiar filled instruments randomly. The participants learnt Lancaran Suwe Ora Jamu. 

Festival Karawitan

On August 1, 2019, Prasasti performed at Festival Karawitan, which was held in Faculty of Philosophy, Universitas Gadjah Mada. We played Gembala Nada and Kasetyan.

Other performances

- Gasibu (2016)
- Malam Tirakatan (17 Agustus 2017)
- Festival Gamelan (9 December 2017)
- Yogyakarta Gamelan Festival (7 Juli 2018)

So, that's our list of recent events in the last 4 years. Wait for our future performances ahead!

Written by Herdina

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